Cukunft Chanukah Party 2015 in TSKZ



This year Chanukah in Poland and Wroclaw even more had a special meaning. We started Festival of Lights with re-opening of a small Wroclaw synagogue after its renovation. During the President’s of Wroclaw speech he could hear apologies for anti-refugee demonstration that took place on November 18, 2015 in the Rynek City Center (City Markepaczki-wroclaw11t Place).

On Friday members of Cukunft Jewish Association went to Lodz Jewish Comunity in order to participate in Chanukah Shabbaton with members of other Jewish communities in Gdansk, Poznan, Katowice, Krakow and Lublin. During Shabbaton Cukunft presented resaults of second edition of Tzedakah Day in Wroclaw organized by Cukunft Association as a part of International Mitzvah Day and in cooperation with JCC Krakow and JCC Warsaw. During the Shabbaton all participants enjoyed kosher donuts baked espcially for this ocasion in one of the oldest Lodzer bakery – Dybalsky. paczki-wroclaw17 The bakery was cleaned by rabbi David Szychowski and mashgiach Moti Nowakowski according to kashrut law especially for the event.

On Sunday we started fast preparations for Cukunft Chanukah Party in TSKZ. Because most of tables and decorations prepared by Joanna Grudzinska and our volunteers were ready, other members of Cukunft could focus on delivering of hot drinks and meals, donuts, latkes, salads, cakes and more. Others tooke care about photo exposition and artists that came a bit ealier in order to check our sound system and light.

As expected we manage everything on time. Our guests came on paczki-wroclaw14time too. Rajfer Sisters gave a fantastic show of Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish songs that everyone could find something interesting. But our guests enjoyed Chanukah Bingo the most – both children and adults. That night many lucky people left the party with an interesting book, CD or a toaster. But definitely everyone left with chanukah gelt in their pocket, chaunkah kit with candles and dreidl. Children could find their chanukah coloring books and special sweets.

Our Chanukah in Wroclaw was a great success. We had a great time together singing, chating and even cleaning after the event. Thank you being with us and see you soon during our next event.

Special thanks go to our sponsors – the Polish Minister of Administration and Digitalization and Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation which supported us with #MakeItHappen Micro Grant. Thank you for you generous help. We would not make it without you.


TSKZ LOGOSocio-Cultural Association of Jews in Wroclaw 

CUKUNFT - LOGO Cukunft Jewish Association



Polish Minister of of Administration and Digitization


Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation


Stowarzyszenie Drugie Pokolenie – Second Generation Association

Dzieci Holokaustu – Children of Holocaust

Toda Raba – Thank you for your Friendship and Support!



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