… and contemporary Jewish Culture Live!
It is the first such a big cultural initiative project of our young Jewish Association, but we are in 100% sure that with generous support of all our members, volunteers and fans of Jewish culture in Wroclaw we can organize together a unique project.
The project will start soon because on September 25, 2015. (Friday) at. 16:00 with an intensive Hebrew course and a mini-lecture on the Jewish theater and an introduction to the Jewish theater workshops. There will be first organizational meetings, which apart from lessons how to read Hebrew and Yiddish alphabets and what are the differences in speeling of the same words and, a lecture on the history on the Jewish Theatre and the Jewish Theatre in Poland in particular, we will determine together the rules for all courses, workshops, meetings and our learning.
Prior notification of your participation in required because we need to prepare enough space, chairs and educational materials for all participants. Please send us: e-mail: jcc.wroclaw@gmail.com or call us 1 day before your planning visit.
All participants are asked to take paper and pens for writing/noting as well as comfortable clothing and shoes to the workshops.
On Saturday, 26th September 2015 at 16:00 we will meet with Yiddish language and culture and the contemporary Jewish art. We’ll talk about what is Jewish Art, who perform/does it and for whom. We’ll talk also about the Jewish motives which make the Art – Jewish as such.
Schedule of our Meetings:
25.09.2015 godz. 16:00-17:50 Hebrew Language course
25.09.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Theatre
26.09.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Yiddishland
26.09.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Art
09.10.2015 godz. 16:00-17:50 Hebrew Language course
09.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Theatre
10.10.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Yiddishland
10.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Art
13.10.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Yiddishland
13.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Art
14.10.2015 godz. 16:00-17:50 Hebrew Language course
14.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Theatre
23.10.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Yiddishland
23.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Art
24.10.2015 godz. 16:00-17:50 Hebrew Language course
24.10.2015 godz. 18:00-20:00 Jewish Theatre
29.10.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Jewish cooking and cuisine
19.10.2015 godz. 18:15-20:00 Jewish cooking and cuisine
30.10.2015 godz. 16:00-18:00 Jewish cooking and cuisine
30.10.2015 godz. 18:15-20:00 Jewish cooking and cuisine
Największą atrakcją naszego projektu będą warsztaty kulinarne, które poprawą przedstawiciele izraelsko-litewsko-ukraińskiego Start-Upu – Eat&Travel, którzy w ramach autorskiego programu edukacyjnego Lauriny Todesaite #CookJewishBeJewish odkryją przed wrocławianami tajniki tradycyjnej kuchni żydowskiej – Galicjanerów i Litvaków, a także izraelskich Sabr, które powróciwszy do ziemi swoich przodków a razem ze sobą przywieźli z Bliskiego Wchodu hummur, pity, sałatkę izraelską i falafel.
Prior notification of your participation is require to the following address: jcc.wroclaw@gmail.com or by phone +48 88-66-55-421
Please join us! You are more than welcome!
Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland (Wroclaw TSKZ)
Eat & Travel – Israeli-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Start-Up
#CookJewishBeJewish Project
“Studia Bliskowschodnie-The Middle East Studies” Magazine
This new Cukunft’s project has been financial supported by the Dolnośląski Fundusz Małych Inicjatyw as a part of Program Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich (Lower Silesian Fund of Small Initiatives implemented under the Programme Civic Initiatives Fund).
Thank you!