Fussballiada 2020 – IV Międzynarodowy Turniej Piłki Nożnej dla Dzieci z Mniejszości Narodowych im. Ernsta Willimowskiego


The event was planned by organizers for 27-28 June 2020. Till the end of May 2020 we were sure that the event will take place in the region of the Opolskie Voivodship, Poland and will combine sport, education and socio-cultural events for children (boys and girls aged 6-12) and their parents from national minorities from Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Hungary, Russia and Romania. We have planned to organize sightseeing Jewish Wroclaw based on Jewish Wroclaw HIA CITY-GAME designed by Jan Kirschnbaum (2011 Berlin Fellowship), anti-discrimination workshops integrating children based on Jewish Culture and painting the HISTORICAL MURAL OF LEOPOLD CASSIRER that is engaged in the local social change in Poland

Unfortunately, because of the Pandemic and sanitary restrictions introduced by the Polish Ministry of Health in the middle of June 2020 we were not allowed to implement this project in June as scheduled. That is why we postponed it for August 2020, and then for September 2020.
In the new sanitary conditions caused by Covid-19, together with the German Educational Society as our project partner we decided to organize a MINI-FUSSBALLIADA 2020 – ERNST WILIMOWSKI FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT FOR CHILDREN FROM AUTOCHTHONS AND NATIONAL MINORITIES, for sports clubs willing to participate in it despite of the Pandemic. The one-day tournament was organized in a sparring form on a stadium in Chrzastowice, Poland on 19 September, 2020 for 5 teams: MIRO Chronstau (German Minority), FC Roma Zabrze (Roma minority), Akademia Otmęt, Makabi Warszawa+Hasmonea Wrocław (Jewish Minority) and MIRO Deutsche Fussballschule Gross Stanisch-Staniszcze Wielkie (German Minority). At the end only 4 of them came because of treat of Covid-19.

The MINI-FUSSBALLIADA 2020 TOURNAMENT for children form national minorities was organized as follows: every team played with every team, no saving of results, no final classification, no judges, a lot of goals, socio-cultural integration, relaxed fair-play atmosphere, and healthy competition.

**Cukunft’s participation in this project was generously supported by the Foundation EVZ. It does not represent an expression of opinion by the Foundation EVZ. The authors bear the responsibility.

***Action Projects are independent initiatives of Humanity in Action Fellows and Senior Fellows that address social and human rights issues around the world.

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