Cukunft Chanukah in Marek Edelman Centre in Łódź


chanuka02bezTogether with Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre in Łódź (Wojska Polskiego 83 Street) organized the celebration of Chanukah – The Festival of Lights that took place on 29 December 2016 at 6 pm. We started with a short lecture Chanukah & Pop Culture and lighting candles. The event was accompanied by music of Yankiel Band, playing in dreidls (sevivonim) that we recieved from Rebbetzin Gina Stambler (Chabad Warszawa) and obviously a lot of kosher traditional donuts (suvganiot).

More details on Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre’s website:

Cukunft Channukah – Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre


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