Cukunft on Nahum Goldmann Fellowship in Israel


11692654_10153467589043829_606516206691906900_n On 15-21.06.2015 Marcin Szternberg, Laurina Todesaite and Aleksandra Wilczura from Cukunft Jewish Association represented Poland during an international Jewish leadership program – Nahum Goldmann Fellowhip that took place in Ohalo Manor in Israel.

nahum goldmann3More than 44 representatives  of orthodox, conservative and reform Jewish communities from 20 countries: USA, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, India, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, France, Sweden, Australia, Sauth Africa, Denmark, Lithuania, Hungary, Great Britain, Poland and Israel gathered in one place in order to discuss on most challanging problems that they face in their daily community nahum goldmann20work and directions of future development of Jewish identity, Jewish nation and Jewish communities and their connection to the State of Israel.

During one week seminar all participants have a chance to participate in intensive courses on Jewish identity, Jewish nahum goldmann16texts and Jewish community development in their connection to Israel. Prof. J.J. Schecter extremely inspiring and motivating two lectures on Klal Yisrael: Restoring an Endangered Jewish Value and Replenishing Jewish Identity in Secular Society, while Prof. Daniel Fainstein tought us on Shaping Sustainable Diasporas and Imperatives for Global Jewish Leadership. nahum goldmann24After the gathering all participants were sure that it will definitely change their parspective on Jewish life and culture, Jewish nation and Jewish State and influence their future work as Jewish leaders around the world.

Thank you once again to Nahum Goldmann Fellowship and especially Rabbi Jeni Friedman for such an opportunity for all members of Cukunft  Jewish Association and Jewish Cultural Club in Wroclaw.




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