Shabbat of the Future – Cukunft Hasmonea Sports Shabbaton


The (Jewish) Future begins with… leadership. Over the last 25 years, much has been written about the phenomenon of the so-called “Jewish Revival of Poland.” Some Jews, particularly those from Israel and America, still vehemently oppose the idea that Jewish life can exist in Poland today, perceiving it as the biggest existing Jewish graveyard and a place populated by fervently antisemitic Poles.

Others view the reemergence of Jewish life in contemporary Poland as a miracle or even an ultimate victory over Hitler. Regardless, the revival of Polish Jewish community is portrayed mostly by stories of people who discovered their Jewish roots and decided to reconnect with their Jewish heritage. The community as a whole, as an organism providing structure and opportunity to its members, does not feature prominently in the narrative of Jewish Revival in Poland.

Perhaps, the process of revival is simply more interesting than mundane challenges and struggles of maybe unusual, small, but growing Polish Jewish community from a point of view of a person, who only learns about the fact that there are Jews living in Poland in 2016. Contemporary Polish Jews are more occupied with a different task: ensuring continuity of the community. To that aim, Cukunft Jewish Association, an NGO bringing together Jewish activists mainly from the region of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia, decided to organize a seminar focusing on leadership skills, inspiring and creating together future activities for different age groups within the Jewish community and, looking for funding to make all Jewish communities in Poland more self-sustainable.

Over thirty participants, representatives of Jewish communities of Wroclaw, Lodz, Lublin, Krakow and Warsaw attended an intensive seminar ‘Shabbat of the Future – Jewish Leaders in Action – Cukunft Hasmonea Sports Shabbaton’ in Lodz between November 10 and 14, 2016. Beside its main focus, they had a chance to spend and experience Shabbat together, have fun together in the Jewish environment, get to know the monuments of Jewish Lodz and learn how to bake challah at first and then how to lead Challah Baking Workshops for children and adults as a part of the international Shabbat Project 2016.

The event would not have taken place if it wasn’t for the great inspiration of Rabbi Warren Goldstein and The Shabbat Project  and generous support of ROI Community, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, hospitality of the Jewish Community of Lodz and Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre in Lodz and great educators. We learned a lot during the event and will definitely repeat it in other small Jewish communities in Poland. At the beginning of 2017 we are going to visit the Jewish community in Lublin and help its leaders to implement socio-cultural projects that we discussed during Cukunft Hasmonea Sports Shabbaton in Lodz.

The event was possible through the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation’s Grassroots Initiative Program. Thank you for Making It Happen. #MakeItHappen

More: Shabbos Project Lodz 2016


THURSDAY 10/11/2016

18.00-18:30 Opening meeting, program introduction  – Aleksandra Wilczura

18.30-19.00 Jewish Leadership in Action in Poland – Jewish organizations

– Jan Kirschenbaum, Aleksandra Wilczura

19.00-20:00 Dinner

20.00-20:30 Jewish sports activities and organizations – Makabi – Michał Samet

20:30-21:00  Preservation of the Jewish Heritage in Poland – Monika Krawczyk

21:00-22:00 Introduction to Autopresentation – Robert Chmielewski

22:00-24:00 Integration activities

FRIDAY 11/11/2016

7:00-9:00    Breakfast

8:00-9:00      Integration – Jewish sports activities  (optional) – Jarosław Szydłowski, Julian Jeliński

9:00-10:30  BHP Obligatory training

10:30- 11:30 Kosher challah baking workshops – Shabbos project – Rabbi David Szychowski, Motti Nowakowski

11:30-13:00 Kosher challah baking workshops – Shabbos project – Aleksandra Wilczura

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Jewish Humanism and Humanistic Judaism-  Włodzimierz Zylbertal

16:00-16:15 Break

16:15-17:00 Informal education in Jewish NGOs and institutions (1)

17:00-17:15 Break

17:15-18:00 Informal education in Jewish NGOs and institutions (2)

18:00-18:30 Break

18:30-19:00 Kabbalat Shabbat – Rabbi David Szychowski and Miriam Szychowska

19:00-20:00 Dinner

20:00-21:00 Project – Jewish Leader – Jan Kirschenbaum

21:00-22:00 Autopresentation Skills – Introduction – Robert Chmielewski

22.00-23:30 End and Informal integration – Irena Kokusz


SATURDAY 12/11/2016

7:00-9:00 Breakfast

8:00-9:00 Integration – Jewish sports activities (optional) – Jarosław Szydłowski, Julian Jeliński

9:00-12:15 Shul Services (optional)

9:00-9:30 What is the project? The life cycle of the project – Justyna Kanczukowska – Unesco

9:30-10:20 How to write a good project? Presentation and common passage through a sample request eg. Ministry of Culture, EU grants, local grant

10:20-10:30 Break

10:30-11:00 How to create a good budget?

11:00-12:30 Types of grants, deadlines for submitting them

12:30-13:30 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Raising funds from other sources, donations, collection, 1% sponsorship

14:30-15:00 Special projects, social media and their role

15:15-15:30 Break

15:30-16:00 The role of volunteers in the organization. European Voluntary Service. What is it and how to do it prepare?

16:00-16:40 Group work on his own project group of 2-3 persons

16:40-17:20 Havdalla & Break

17:20-17:40 The exchange projects between groups and evaluate each other

17: 40: 18:20 Projects Discussion

18:20-18:30 Summary of the day

18:30-19:30 Dinner

20:00-23:00 Group Night Out in the City – Irena Kokusz

SUNDAY 13/11/2016

7:00-9:00 Breakfast

9.00-10:00   Presentation Skills – Introduction – Robert Chmielewski

10:00-10:45 What makes a successful communicator – contacts with media – Robert Chmielewski

10.45:11:00 Break

11.00-11:45 Jewish networking – challenges, opportunities – Aleksandra Wilczura

11:45-12:15 Conclusion – What’s next? What I will bring back my local community? – Robert Chmielewski, Jan Kirschenbaum, Aleksandra Wilczura

12:15-13:15 Lunch

13.30-16:00 Sightseeing of Jewish Lodz

13.30-17:00 Sports shooting training (optional)

16.00-17:00 Check out / Departure






The Shabbos Project 2016


The Jerusalem Post – Shabbat Project poised to break new records in some 1,000 cities

Foundation for the Presevation of Jewish Heritage in Poland – FODZ

FODZ – Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland 2

Gazeta Wyborcza Łódź z dn. 11.11.2016


Shabbat Can Do That 2016

Mega Babka – Aleksandra Wilczura – przygotowania do warsztatów pieczenia chałek


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